50 Stories for 50 Years: Tom Doar, Former Head of School
To celebrate our 50th anniversary year during 2018/19, we collected stories and profiles of people and institutions that have helped us build our organization, which first began as one person's dream in 1968. We will feature one story per week on our blog. Please enjoy these “50 for 50” profiles featuring ASSIST's dedicated board members, dynamic staff, welcoming host families and enthusiastic ASSIST Scholars.
Tom Doar
Former Head of School, North Shore Country Day
I have spent over 25 years in various roles at North Shore Country Day School in Winnetka, IL. The last 16 of those years, I've served as Head of School. North Shore has many distinguishing characteristics, not the least of which is that it is an ASSIST School. At North Shore, ASSIST has been a difference-maker—for students and families as well as for the faculty and staff.
North Shore as a small JK-12 grade school that believes in developing a strong sense of community, a place where individuals are known and where they matter. At one point one of our marketing phrases was, "Everybody is somebody at North Shore." Into this nurturing environment we welcomed an ASSIST Scholar every year, each one connecting, contributing, and making a meaningful—and often remarkable—difference.
As I look over the list of ASSIST students dating back to1982, I am struck by three things. First, the impressive talent that every ASSIST student possessed—they were top scholars and talented athletes and actors who exhibited curiosity, awareness and kindness. Initially dazzled by the quality of our ASSIST scholars, I convinced myself that we were just lucky to be assigned such talent. As the years passed, however, it became clear that the ASSIST formula for matching scholars to schools works: every scholar thrived within the unique culture of North Shore.
Secondly, every ASSIST scholar came committed to doing it all, to fully immersing themselves in the life of the school. Some had targeted interests, areas where they were most comfortable, but that didn't stop them from stretching beyond their comfort zones to maximize the full North Shore experience. Open to and eager for new experiences, they were willing to try out, volunteer, extend themselves, and grow. Given their willingness to take risks, their impact and influence was far-reaching.
Finally, ASSIST scholars connected personally with people of all ages, from lower school students who felt meaningful connections to them, to faculty and staff who found them stimulating and enriching to teach—and, just as importantly, to know. Host families of our ASSIST Scholars consistently commented about how grateful they were to host ASSIST students and how much they gained from having ASSIST Scholars as part of their families for a time.
Every Scholar who has come through our school brought their own unique giftedness, determined spirit, and drive.
• Our ASSIST scholar of 1983, Gonzalo Sentmenat, became an integral part of the Head of School’s family.
• Viviane Otto (2003) brought thoughtful awareness and remarkable skill on the field hockey field.
• Carolin Vogt (2007) nurtured a remarkable connection to so many, including her host family, the Cottinghams.
• Christoph Tries (2008) brought a passionate interest in economics and integrated amazingly into the Callahan family.
• Cynthia Mao (2016) impressed faculty and staff with her maturity, awareness and spirit.
Every scholar—without exception—made a difference.
2019/20 marks North Shore's 100th year. It is amazing that over one third of North Shore's existence, 37 years, has been indelibly imprinted by 52 unforgettable ASSIST Scholars.
About Tom:
Tom Doar served as Head of School at North Shore Country Day School from 2000-2016. Prior to being appointed Head of School, Tom served as Lower School Head at North Shore from 1980 to 1987, was the Director of Development from 1996 to 1997 and Director of Admissions from 1997 to 2000. Tom began his teaching career as a teacher and coach at St. Paul Academy in 1973. From 1989 to 1996, he was the Lower School Principal, PK-8, at Rye Country Day School. During the 2018/19 school year, Tom served as Interim Head of School at the Catherine Cook School in Chicago.